The serialization of "3 Minute Yojimbo Yoko-chan" (written by Susano Hara) (illustrated by Shino Sakamoto) has started in the March issue of Monthly Comic Zenon released on January 1th.
"3-Bun Yojimbo Yoko-chan" is a slapstick pure comedy written by Susano Hara and Shino Sakamoto, who prefaced the Zenon Manga Award.
The main character is José, the son of a wealthy man, in the unsafe city of Barenfato.
Cheeky and rich, he is targeted by bad guys every time he goes out.
Yoko-chan is his bodyguard, the cutest and strongest "bouncer" for him!
It instantly defeats bad guys and protects Jose.
However, there is a contract between her and Jose...
How she worked 3 minutes!
It's safe as long as Yoko is there, but Jose is in a pinch as soon as three minutes pass.
Monthly Comic Zenon, which serializes "3 Minute Yojimbo Yoko-chan", is released on the 25th of every month.