Movie "Angel Sign" Special Talk Show @ Tsuruya Department Store Held!

Tsukasa Hojo and Nobuhiko Horie will hold a special talk show by inviting Naoto Ogata, Momoko Kikuchi, and director Ken Ochiai, who appeared in the first episode of the omnibus movie "Angel Sign", "Farewell and the Beginning". It has been decided.

The episode "Farewell and Beginning" in the main story is filmed entirely on the Minami Aso Railway in Minami Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture, which is closely related to the silent manga audition.













Movie "Angel Sign" Special Talk Show
[Guests] Naoto Ogata, Momoko Kikuchi, Ken Ochiai (Director), Nobuhiko Horie, Tsukasa Hojo (General Director)
[Date and time] 10/5 sat. 15: 00-
[Venue] Tsuruya East Building 7th Floor Tsuruya Hall

* There is a limit to the number of people in the talk show.Please fill in the required items in the application form below and apply.It will end as soon as the capacity is reached.

If you wish, please fill out the application form below and apply.
Movie "Angel Sign" Special Talk Show Application Form

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