Concluded a comprehensive partnership agreement with Koshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture


(From left to right) Kumamoto Comix CEO Shuichi Mochida, Comix CEO Nobuhiko Horie, Takamori Town Mayor Taisei Kusamura, Koshi City Mayor Yoshiyuki Araki, Deputy Mayor Shinichi Nagaki


On February 2023, 2, Coamix Co., Ltd. signed a comprehensive partnership agreement with Koshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture.

Coamix, which provides content to various media and develops human resources in the manga and animation business, creates appealing services and services that make use of its characteristics, and establishes a virtuous cycle and the creation of "towns, people, and jobs." By collaborating with Koshi City, which aims to be aRegarding this agreement, we will mainly collaborate on five points.

(1) Matters related to child and youth development

(2) Promotion of education and culture

(3) Things related to tourism promotion and transmission of regional development

(4) Thing about local production, local consumption

(5) Other matters deemed necessary for mutual cooperation and cooperation


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