Naoto Ogata, Momoko Kikuchi, Jiro Sato and others will appear in the movie "Angel Sign" directed by Tsukasa Hojo! Released on November 11th (Friday)!

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  A gorgeous cast including Naoto Ogata, Momoko Kikuchi, and Jiro Sato has been decided to appear in the omnibus movie "Angel Sign" directed by Tsukasa Hojo.The release date is Friday, November 11th.We will tell you the words of the performers and the outline of each work.   [Naoto Ogata's words ("Farewell and beginning" as husband)] I was worried about acting because it was a work without lines, but I think that because there are no lines, I have the joy of expressing the movement of my heart, and on the contrary, I think that you can watch it while using your imagination.It's also silent, so it's both fun and challenging, but I'm playing while clinging to the director.   [Momoko Kikuchi's words ("Farewell and beginning" wife role)] Since it was a silent movie, I often didn't understand it by groping, but I believed in the image that the director had in my head and played it while having fun.The feeling of being more focused on the mind by not using words was strange and wonderful.I am happy to be able to participate in this new challenge.   [Jiro Sato's words ("Father's gift" as father)] Silent manga sent from all over the world is made into a live-action film, and actors from various countries play their respective roles.It was very interesting to try to get people all over the world to understand because there are no lines, so I participated.When I actually played it, I realized again that I usually depend on words.Nene, who played the role of her daughter, happened to be 7 years old, the same as her son, so I can't help but love her (laughs).    

  Overview of the 5 works that make up the movie "Angel Sign"   Farewell and beginning [Original] "Beginning and Farewell" Vincent Lange (Germany) [Country of Production] Japan (Kumamoto Prefecture) [Director] Ken Ochiai <Director Profile> Started making films at the age of 12 and moved to the United States after graduating from high school in Japan. He established a film production company in Los Angeles in 2011 and has directed films in a wide range of genres, including movies, television, and commercials. In 2013, he made his feature film debut with "Tiger Mask" starring Eiji Wentz. In 2017, the short film "Swan Song" starring EXILE's Takanori Iwata was released nationwide. [Cast] Naoto Ogata, Momoko Kikuchi [Story] A couple who have been together since childhood suddenly break up.The dog that has been with her for many years struggles to cheer up her husband, a railroad driver who has lost the hope of living after losing his beloved wife...   to the sky [Original story] "SKY SKY" Prema Jah (Thailand) [Country of production] Thailand [Director] Nonsi Nimibutu <Director Profile> A famous director who has received attention as a standard-bearer in the Asian film world and is known as the "Thai Spielberg." He started his career as a director of MV, TV commercials, etc., and won the TACT Award, which is the most prestigious advertising award in Thailand.After that, his directorial debut, "Dang Bireley's and Young Gangsters" (1997), was a blockbuster, breaking Thai film records and winning the Grand Prix at the Independent International Film Festival in Brussels. [Cast] Preopan Panim His Pipob Kamonket Sopon Bunyin Inluan [Story] A young girl who cannot understand that she lost her dog to illness.A girl who keeps looking for his dog tells him that his father is having a good time above the clouds.He drew his feelings for his dog on a picture letter, tied it to a kite, and flew it into the sky.A butterfly flutters in front of the sad girl who has not received a reply for a long time...   30 minutes 30 seconds [Original] “Thirty and A Half Minutes” Snippy MJ (Vietnam) [Country of Production] Vietnam [Director] Ham Tran <Director Profile> A Vietnamese-American representative of the new generation of Vietnamese film industry, screenwriter and film editor. He has three faces: a person and a film director. Feature film "How to Fight in Six Inch Heels" premiered at CAAMFest held in the United States in 3. [Cast] Go Quan Tuan Xuan Van [Story] A god of death appears in front of a pregnant woman who was about to lose her life on the verge of giving birth.Just before the Shinigami takes her life, Takaya's song plays and a miraculous butterfly appears.The given time is only 2014 minutes and 30 seconds.Will she be able to give birth to a baby safely?   Father's gift [Original story] "Father's Gift" Ichiro (Brazil) [Country of production] Thailand, Japan [Director] Masatsugu Asahi <Director Profile> Born in Kumamoto City.After working at Daiei TV and Ishihara Productions, he worked as a freelance assistant director. Since his directorial debut in 1995, he has been active in movies, V-cinemas, Internet dramas, documentaries, and promotional videos.In addition to serving as the director for this project, one of the goals of which is to restore his hometown of Kumamoto after the earthquake, he also serves as an assistant director to support Tsukasa Hojo, who is the first general director. [Cast] Jiro Sato Ayaka Sakai Neennara Bunbiti Pai Shit Mechatro Wego [Story] His father and daughter who lost their mother at a young age and live together.The gift his father gave to a girl without his mother was a robot that could be said to be a substitute for a mother.The girl eventually lost her father and lost her will to live.A butterfly flew down on her. "I want to make her smile again." What action did the robot with human emotions choose?   To home [Original] "Back Home" Vu Dinh Lan (Vietnam) [Country of Production] Indonesia [Director] Camila Andini <Director Profile> A female director who can be said to be a representative of young Indonesian filmmakers.Her first feature film "Mirrors Don't Lie" (2011) was screened at 30 film festivals in Japan and abroad, including the Tokyo International Film Festival, Busan, Edinburgh, and Berlin, and was released in Japan in 2016. It is [Cast] Tuk Rifnu Wicana Abigail Mikako Yoshida [Story] Her father left her daughter and went to the battlefield, promising to come back.When the war ended, his father returned to his daughter, but only his soul returned.When the butterfly flaps its wings in front of the father who realizes that he will never see her daughter again, a miracle visits the parents and children who should never meet again.    

  "Angel sign" Planning: Nobuhiko Horie General Director: Tsukasa Hojo Director: Tsukasa Hojo/Ken Ochiai/Nongsee Nimibutu/Ham Tran/Masatsugu Asahi/Camilla Andini Cast: Nao Matsushita, Dean Fujioka, Naoto Ogata, Momoko Kikuchi/Jiro Sato Panim Pipob Kamonketsopon Bunyin Yingruan Go Quan Tuan Suan Van Suan Van Ayaka Sakai Neennara Bunbitipaisit Mechatro Wego Tuk Rifnu Wicana Abigail Mikako Yoshida Production: "Angel Sign" Production Committee Distribution: North Stars・Pictures Screening theater: United Cinemas Toyosu, etc. Release date: Friday, November 2019, 11  © "Angel Sign" Production Committee   Official website Official Facebook Official twitter   

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