"Hokuto ga Gotoku" is an action created in collaboration with the popular manga "Fist of the North Star" (original work by Buronson, manga by Tetsuo Hara) and the development team "Ryu ga Gotoku Studio" that handles the "Ryu ga Gotoku" series. It's an adventure game.
CM image of PS4 dedicated software "Hokuto ga Gotoku"
title | "Hokuto ga Gotoku" |
Release date | 2018/ 3/ 8 |
Overview | PlayStation®4 dedicated software. This is an action-adventure game created in collaboration with the development team "Ryu ga Gotoku Studio", which handles the "Ryu ga Gotoku" series.Set in a devastated world, a completely original story unfolds, and not only the original characters but also new characters drawn by Tetsuo Hara appear in the game.You can enjoy the world of Hokuto like never before, such as exhilarating battles incorporating secret hole action and adventures to play through the entertainment district at the end of the century. |
works | "Fist of the North Star" |
Make | Sega games |
Credit Transfer | © SEGA © Buronson / Tetsuo Hara / NSP 1983 Copyright License GA-217 |
Official Website | http://ryu-ga-gotoku.com/hokuto-ga-gotoku/ |